
Advanced interactive well log viewer
for the web browser

It's a module

LogViewer.js is not a product.

LogViewer.js is a modern fully object oriented EC6 module written in pure vanilla JavaScript without any HTML or CSS. It uses no framework technologies and has no external dependencies. The entire module is a single file of less than 80kb!

LogViewer.js is easily embeddable in any HTML5-based E&P application. It supports log files in the modern JsonWellLogFormat, legacy well log formats like DLIS, LIS, LAS, etc. must be converted to JSON by tools like Log I/O to be viewed by LogViewer.js. 

Get started

Copy LogViewer.min.js to the root folder of your application and include the following HTML-snippet in the front-end code to embed LogViewer.js:

Code snippet

Yes, that's all! The viewer will show up in the <div> element set aside for the component.

Log viewing capablities

  • Reusable templates
    Track setup based on curve classification, curve names and and units that can be stored and reused for different data sets
  • Supports single- and multidimensional curves
    Stacked single curves and powerful image log support
  • Powerful styling capabilities
    Colors, lines styles, lithology fills, gradients, transparency, text, symbols, linear/logarithmic scales and much more
  • Fully interactive
    A set of default interactions and a generic API to define custom ones

Real-time support

WITSML.js is a WITSML accessor written exclusively in JavaScript and that runs entirely in the web browser. Together with LogViewer.js it enables real-time logs in the web browser without any additional back-end software. Simply enter URL, username and password of the WITSML server and watch the operation unfold.


Annual License


Per year per product

  • Minified version
  • Public API
  • Version upgrades
  • Deployment support
Perpetual License


Once per product

  • Minified version
  • Public API
  • Version upgrades
  • Deployment support
Project Involvement


Per hour

  • Full source code
  • Full API
  • Custom upgrades
  • Development support


LogViewer.js is made available by strong collaboration in the energy software business.

Potential clients:


Copyright © 2023 LogViewer.js -- All Rights Reserved
logviewerjs.com -- info@logviewerjs.com